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Director's Blog

Writer's pictureNorman Thombs

Looking Ahead and Celebrating the Past

Mechuwana celebrated 70 years of our ministry last summer, and we are still talking about what a great time we had on July 14th when so many people came to mark the occasion with us. We had former staff, campers, current volunteers, a message from the Bishop delivered by Mid-Maine District Superintendent Rev. Karen Munson, words from Bishop Ives, Rev. Laura Church, and so many others. There were many highlights throughout the day, including hearing remarks by my oldest son, Dylan, who spoke of his experiences at Mechuwana and his hopes for the future. There was beautiful music, lots of prayers of Thanksgiving for this place we call Mechuwana, and many opportunities to reconnect with old friends.

We hope that all of you who have spent time at camp will make time in 2019 to come visit us on Lower Narrows Pond. If you haven't been to camp in the past year, we definitely encourage you to stop by to visit our new Alumni Building, full of old camp photos, interesting historical documents, and so much more. We could not have finished this building in time for last summer's celebration without the help of so many people who worked on construction of the building, combing through the archives selecting photos, hanging pictures on the walls, and adding the finishing touches to make this building such a special place.

I hope that if you haven't visited Mechuwana in recent years that you will find time to come to Winthrop to see the changes and visit your favorite spots at camp when the weather gets better and mud season is over! Remember..."you belong to Mechuwana, and Mechuwana belongs to God!"

Hope 2019 is off to a great start for you, your family, your church, and your community.

​- Norm


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